Principal Note

Principal Note

Assalamu Alaikum WaRahmatu Allahi Wa Barakaatuh (Peace Be Upon You),

I am greatly honoured to be entrusted with the headship of the Calgary Islamic School, Omar Ibn Alkhattab campus, such a beacon light, which has been in service to our great community for over adecade.
Insh’Allah (God Willing), our focus this year and the years to come will be on the following goals:
- Enhancing and developing the religious and Arabic programs, especially the Quran
memorization (Tahfeeth).
- Students’ wellbeing by making the school a welcoming environment, free from bullying, harassment,
discrimination, and all kinds of psychological and physical safety hazards.
- Helping our children build strong Islamic characters and acquire the 21 st century skills to enable them
to positively and competently give back to their community and to the whole society at large.
- Strengthening students’ literacy and numeracy skills as these are the foundation of all academic
In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, we will be implementing the below (ABC) approach:
A-- Achievement- OBK staff and administration are committed to helping each and every student work to
her/his full potential.
B-- Behaviour- OBK staff and administration are fully committed to helping our students become fully
responsible for their own actions. Our code of conduct is meant to help students reflect on their own actions and draw lessons out of their setbacks. A variety of progressive discipline strategies will be in place.
C—Celebrating Successes- Little successes lead the way to bigger ones. Hence, our team is committed to highlighting as well as celebrating each accomplishment and every noticeable progress.
My team and I are determined to do all that it takes to take our school to the next level. Accomplishing such a mission won’t be possible without your full support, cooperation, and Dua’s (prayers). May Allah (God), the Almighty, guide us to best serving our children and everyone around us.

Yours truly,

Moussa Ouarou